Hi everybody. Here I am once more, your Rare Lynx man in Portugal!
So I was wandering around the streets of my hometown of Évora, thinking about what would be a very special Portuguese dish to show you here, since you’ve been all so kind to me, following the Rare Lynx blog and trying my recipes.
Today I bring you …..tadaaaaaaaaa! Our most delicious Arroz de Pato or Duck Rice , a recipe that brings you one of the most the exquisite flavors of our country.
You’re all excited already, aren’t you? I thought so. Who doesn’t like duck? Its one of the most flavorful kinds of meat and the way we do it in Portugal it’s just unique… you will see for yourselves when you try it.
Wanna give it a go?
Follow me…
This recipe is for 6 people. These are the ingredients you’re going to need:
Cooking the duck
- 1 grass fed duck (courtesy Free Union Grass Farm)
- 6 jowl bacon strips, saving 2 to top it all off (courtesy Babes in the Woods, not those kind LOL)
- 1 linguiça, Portuguese chorizo or you can use regular chorizo (check out the new butcher shop and market, JM Stock Provisions at 709 W Main Street in Charlottesville, VA opening Thurs. Oct. 10. They will be carrying Rare Lynx EVOO on tap!)
- ½ cup red wine
- 1 medium onion
- 2 garlic cloves
- 3 cloves
- 3 Tbsp. of Rare Lynx Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 1 teaspoon of Wild Red Spread
- 1 anchovy
- 2 bay leaves
- Rare Lynx Flor de Sal (to taste)
- Ground black Pepper (to taste)
- Enough water to cover the duck in the pressure cooker. You will need 4 cups of this stock to cook the rice.
- 2 egg yokes (courtesy Liberty Farm or Free Union Farm)
Cooking the rice
- 2 cups of rice
- 4 cups of the stock you’ve made from cooking the duck

Rare Lynx at City Market Charlottesville, VA
Ok, don’t panic. It looks like a lot of ingredients but it is all very simple, and as you can see they are all very easy to find in most farmer’s markets. You should visit the “City Market” in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. Its awesome and everybody is selling there the most wonderful organic fresh products. If you happen to go, don’t forget to visit Rare Lynx.
Back to the recipe. Now… first you put the pressure cooker on the stove on medium flame. Put in the olive oil, the onion, the garlic, the wild red spread, the linguiça (or chorizo), the 4 chopped jowl bacon, the anchovy, salt, and pepper. When the onion starts to get shiny, pour in the wine and let it cook for around 1 minute or 2, just to let the alcohol evaporate. Now put in the duck along with the rest of the ingredients and cover everything with water. When it starts to boil, put on the pressure cooker cover and let it cook for 45 minutes. You’re going to want the meat to be cooked all way through until it separates from the bones.
So…45 minutes have passed and your kitchen is now a rainbow of delicious aroma, right? Its time to let the vapor out of the pressure cooker and open the cover….mmmmmmmmmmh! you close your eyes and you smell that magic scent taking over your world!
Hey….wake up! We’re not done yet! Its time to strain the water into another pan. Make sure you have 4 cups of this liquid, cause you’re going to add 2 cups of rice to it and let it cook until its dried.
Meanwhile, get the duck out, de-bone it and shred the meat into a bowl, I mean the duck, linguiça and bacon, all shredded.
Get a glass tray or a ceramic pan that can go in the oven. Put a layer of rice in the bottom. Now put a layer of the shredded meat. Repeat this operation. The last layer must be of rice.
Easy, right? Ok, go get 2 egg yolks and beat them. Get a brush and spread the egg yolks on top of the top rice layer. Cut the remaining 2 bacon strips and spread them on top of the egg yolk covered rice layer. Pop it into the oven until it gets a golden color on top.
Yay, you did it!
Serve it to your family and friends, they will thank you for the most wonderful meal ever!
I’ll be back soon with one more of my Rare Lynx recipes.
Greetings from the Rare Lynx man in Portugal! Bye!